Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Awful Puns and Animal Proteins

Just so you can understand our brilliance, this blog title is quite quite possibly the greatest and worst pun of all time. It can be read as My Vegan's Log, the meaning of which is obvious. It can also be read as My Vegan Slog. Yes, that's right. Slog is a word meaning, among other things, "a long session of hard work." An accurate account, I feel.

So just to get this blog started let's talk about sex.

Just how exciting is hot sweaty vegan sex? Pretty darn exciting when you take protection and birth control into account. First of all, latex production uses casein, a delicious milk protein perfect for thirsty vaginas and penises. Certainly our genitalia will feel refreshed. Then you have the pill. Evidently, ingesting animal products is super effective at scaring away sperm. Not only is the pill made up of animal-derived and animal-tested ingredients, one of the hormones, progesterone, may actually be from horse urine. AWESOME. Luckily I hate babies more than I love animals.


Popey said...

*wild applause*

Pablo said...


Anonymous said...

good thing I've been saving up all my horsepiss.

Alex said...

polyurethane condoms are SFV

Rachel said...

Wow, I didn't know condoms were made with animal products! I don't actually know of any birth control pills with progesterone... but a fun fact to know and tell is that the pregnant mares (and let's not forget! the foals that are produced) from which progesterone is taken are horribly abused. Go here to find out more: http://www.aspca.org/site/DocServer/Premarin_Exposed.pdf?docID=1262

I enjoyed reading this!