Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Vegan Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a difficult holiday for vegans. It is a holiday based on the murder of members of other species, particularly turkeys. I could not help but be offended at the utter disregard for life at the latest presidential turkey pardon. The whole issue is treated as a joke. Bush says of the two pardoned turkeys: "They will not be trotting to their finish," which of course is met with laughter from the audience. They recognize that many other turkeys are perishing, which is acceptable to them, and saving a turkey is somehow humorous. For now my strategy for surviving Thanksgiving is to surround myself with other vegans and vegan food and when eating with my family at the table I will proudly display my separate tofurkey, non-dairy mashed potatoes, and vegetable broth stuffing.


Popey said...

I have several concerns:
a) also the killing of Native Americans
b) Thanksgiving isn't even American
c) that pardoned turkey looks way cute, everyone recognizes it, yet they eat turkeys?!
d) what could turkeys possibly have done that they need a presidential 'pardon' for?
this whole concept is absurd. it's holidays like this that make it obvious that vegans are the sane ones in a crazy world.

Pablo said...

i should change my screename to "Turkeypuncher 3000"